SHIELD™ Finger Stalls By Product Finger Cots Malaysia, Selangor, Kuala Lumpur (KL), Japan, Vietnam, USA Manufacturer, Supplier, Supply, Supplies | Suzuki Latex Industry Malaysia Sdn Bhd
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Chemical Description

SHIELD finger stalls are manufactured from 100% pure natural rubber latex.


Internal Diameter (mm) 1-A19 1-B15
Thickness (mm) 0.34 ± 0.02
Length (mm) 56 ± 2 61 ± 2
Physical Test (ASTM D412)
Elongation / Tensile Strength
Min 700 % / Min 25 Mpa

Product range and packaging specifications.

Product Size Packaging
1-A19 10 pcs. X 10 bags X 50 boxes per carton
1-B15 300 pcs. X 30 bags per carton


  • To protect fingers of workers.
  • To prevent contamination caused by direct contact with fingers.
  • Rough surface provides better grip and anti-slip properties.
  • It is thick but soft, ideal for prolonged usage

  • Mechanical industries
  • Mechantronics industries
  • Ideal for office work

Recommended Storage Conditions.
  • Store indoor at room temperature below 28ºC.
  • Avoid direct exposure to sunlight.
  • Once open, use immediately.

Shelf life
Approximately 12 months.
If finger stall contaminated, please dispose as Scheduled Wastes. Finger cot is bio-degradable type.

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